Navigating Life Choices with
Luminary Labyrinth Services, LLC
I am dedicated to giving you
support on your journey using a map
to help plan your end-of-life wishes.
Giving your loved ones and yourself a gift.
Looking at life with a new perspective
helps to give you freedom to enjoy your life,
knowing all your future details are taken care of.
Reach out to schedule a free 15-minute consultation to see if the services offered are a good fit for your journey.

Luminary Labyrinth Services LLC
Advance Care Planning
Care Consultant
Certified End-of-Life Doula
Elder Care Doula
Expressive Arts Legacy Projects
Good Death Movement Cafes
Good Death Seminar Series
Grief Support Doula
Luminary Labyrinth Services, LLC Life and Death on Facebook
Luminary Labyrinth Services, LLC on LinkedIn

Who am I?

I am Kathleen Carroll-Walsh: daughter, sister, mother,
grandmother and friend.
I have learned many things along the journey so far…
The most profound is my calling is to hold space and
support others at the end-of-life.
As far back as I can remember I have considered death as
a sacred part of life.
At the age of ten I sat with my grandmother, holding her hand
when the whole family said goodbye to her husband,
my grandfather.
Twenty years later I heard this same grandmother take her last breath over a landline when her daughter and son-in-law
(my parents) were at her bedside.
In 2008 I was with my father in a hospice-hospital room from
Friday-Monday with no hospice volunteers because it
was the weekend.
No one to help us navigate. My mother and I sat vigil for 72 hours.
Dad’s end-of-life was peaceful but could have been so much more
if I had the understanding I have now then.
As a Certified Doulagivers Specialist I am trained to help you
make your plan for a good death while focusing on living a good life!

Luminary Labyrinth Services, LLC will support and illuminate your journey to make informed decisions about your
(Physical, Mental, Emotional, Financial, and Spiritual)
Good Death using holistic Doulagivers practices together.